Readings PIIGS 2015

Però la ciutat m´ha protegit

The title of the play is the quote from Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s film In einem Jahr mit 13 Monden. In it, among several other different subjects, he explores the lives of people working in the offices in Frankfurt’s skyscrapers, these symbols of German market and prosperity. Aber die Stadt hat uns geschutzt will be a play about Frankfurt am Main, the play written in SerboCroatian, but also with parts written in broken, immigrant German. The city would be the main character of the play, the city on the big, calm river, the city with all its citizens, with all the different smaller cities inside the big one, with its communities and its immigrants, with its skyscrapers, and Bosnians in one of its bars, with the Euro symbol, with the Euro sculpture on the Willy Brandt Platz, with the Euro statue besides Schauspielhaus Frankfurt, with the Euro statue besides glass theater, and besides glass, tall buildings, where people are producing money, and where people are producing conditions in which the Europeans are living today, with its monetary symbol of Europe, with its symbol under which people protested, protested against capitalism, in the very core of the capitalism, protested and then, of course, stopped protesting, with its Euro symbol under which I have been drinking white wine after other people’s premieres at the Schaspielhaus Frankfurt.

Tanja1 Author

Tanja Šljivar

Born in Banjaluka, Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1988. She holds both BA and MA degree in dramaturgy at Faculty of drama arts in Belgrade, Serbia. She wrote plays Pošto je pašteta? (How much is Pate?), Grebanje ili Kako se ubila moja baka (Scratching or How my grandmother killed herslef) and Mi smo oni na koje su nas roditelju upozoravali (We are the ones our parents warned us of), which were publicly read and produced in professional theaters in Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia. She also writes short stories, radio plays, screenplays for short films and theater-theory texts. She won several awards for her playwriting in Bosnia and Serbia, and her plays have been translated in English, German, Macedonian, Polish, Hungarian and French. She is currently attending MA course in applied theater science in Giessen, Germany.

Production companyLAminimAL Teatre

Daniela De Vecchi

Cris Codina, Esperança Crespí, Toni Figuera, Andrea Hernandez, Damià Capella, Anna Berenger, Litus Cruces, Xavier Pàmies

Athur Guidi

Technical coordinator
Ignasi Bosch

Carles Bosh, Albert Pijuan i Espai ERRE

Translation from catalan by
Pau Sanchis Ferrer